Dek Hockey







         L. WING                              CENTER                   R. WING


                        L. DEFENDER                    R. DEFENDER




q       Forwards’ (wings and center) job is to score or to put the ball into a positions where another forward can score

q       Defenders’ job is to block shots, clear ball out to sides of court, pass ball to their forwards.  Should not get caught “flat” with other defender.

q       Goal Keeper’s job is to stop shots and clear the ball.  S/he may stop ball with glove, stick, or body.


B.     GAME

q       Starts with face off at center court. 

q       Play after ball hits floor

q       Player can use feet to stop the ball, but cannot kick the ball across the floor.

q       Body checking is not allowed.

q       Goal is scored when the ball passes over the goal line having been struck with a stick.

q       Attacking player may not have feet inside goal crease.



q       Stick handling/carrying the ball  - side to side motion using both sides of the stick with soft sweeps midway on the blade

q       Passing - should pass to another player, not just in the direction of the goal.  Make eye contact with teammate before you pass

q       Sweep pass/shot – move the ball along the playing surface with a wide sweeping motion of the stick.  Player should be open to use this skill.

q       Flip pass/shot – is designed to lift the ball a short distance.  The blade of the stick is slanted so that only its lower edge touches the ball.  Can be used to shoot or to get the ball over an opponent’s stick.

q       Drop pass – ball handler stops forward motion of the ball, leaving it behind for a teammate.  Push ball forward first, then bring the blade in front of the ball and give it an abrupt backward chop. 

q       Snap or wrist shot – sweeping motion with an additional wrist action meant to lift the ball and put a spin on it.  This is a very difficult shot to stop because of the speed, lift, and spin on the ball.

q       Slap shot/pass – player brings stick back first, then abruptly forward and hits the ball along the surface with as much force as s/he can get into the shot.  Must be careful not to use this shot near other players because of “high sticks”.



Any rough or dangerous play or high sticking will be called by the referee.  If the referee feels that it is necessary, the player will be put in the “penalty box” for 30 seconds or more.



1.      Do not screen the goalkeeper by standing too close to, or in front of her/him.

2.      When intercepting the ball in your defensive zone, clear the ball out to the side of the court.  Remember, your opponents attack are usually in the center of the court and can score easily from in front of the goal.

3.      If one attacker is going for the ball in the right or left corner of the attacking area, another defender (center or other wing) should place themselves in front of the goal cage and off the opposite post.  This will put them in position to receive a pass and score.  If this is always done, the attacker playing the ball does not even have to make eye contact for the pass, they will know automatically that someone is there to receive.

4.      A player should not just pass the ball forward in the direction of their goal.  This type of pass usually goes directly to the opponents.

5.      A player should not carry the ball if s/he can pass or shoot it.  When carrying you draw the defense and increase you chances of losing the ball, it is a slower method of getting the ball to your goal, and passing often makes it more difficult for the opponents to defend their goal.

6.      Keep your stick on the ground.  That is where the ball is.

7.      You should never play too close to a teammate.  Playing too close makes it difficult for your teammate to play the ball, difficult for her/him to pass to you, and does not allow for good coverage of the court.

8.      After taking a shot on goal always follow your shot.  The ball may be deflected off the goal keeper or a defender and if you are there you will have another shot.

9.      A wrist shot is a very effective shot on goal.  The ball has speed, lift, and spin and is very difficult to stop.

10.  Always have your knees bent and body ready.  The ball is never so far away from you that it can not get to you in a split second.

11.  Defenders should not be caught “flat”.  If defenders are playing opposite each other and an attacker gets past one defender, s/he is past both.

12.  When on offense you should play a 3-2 system and when on defense a 2-3 system.  This will allow you have more players in the area in which you are playing.

13.  When you need to get a ball that is not within your reach, release one hand so that you can extend your stick farther.

13. You should attempt to interfere with any shot your opponent tries to take.  You will probably keep him/her from scoring and just might come up with the ball.



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